Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 31- Museum and Dong Hu

Today is going to be a long day for everyone. We woke up early for today as we need to get ready all the food that needed to bring for picnic at Dong Hu. Fathullah and I were bringing sausages and bread for the Picnic and the rest of my classmates were bringing snacks, eggs and pork Sausages. Fathullah and I can’t share with them because we both can’t eat pork and the only food we can eat with them was only snacks. We need to board the bus at 9am and our girls came a bit late due to the amount of food they are bringing and we the only ones that’s ready for picnic at Dong Hu.

Security Check
Line Up please

That's a BIG MUSUEM!

We reach the museum around 10am and we can’t bring any food or and other metallic stuff inside because there was security check before we can enter the museum. There was reason they need to do this procedure because they want to prevent any thief or burglary of the artifacts in the museum. The museum is beautifully built and there was one huge museum that showcases all the artifacts and history of the place and the other two mini structures is use for other purposes

We enter the Big Museum and there is Tour Guide that was going to bring us around the place. I was far apart from the tour guide that I walk around the museum by myself and learn about the history myself. It is quite an interesting place to be and learn more about the history and things they did in the ancient time.

The first Gallery we went!
Musical Instrument!
Cool! Golden bowl and Spoon!
That's a nice constructed Bow

The Second Gallary we went!

My brother is Armor!
Flying High!

A few of us were far apart from the rest of the group that we go to other galleries on our own. Majority of the artifacts founf buried with famous people (Zhen hou yi) in the past. When we were walking around at the different galleries, we saw all my other classmates at the top floor. We were too lazy to follow them as we do not have enough time to explore the top floors. We went back down to meet all the other of my classmates before we go to our next destination which is Dong Hu

The entrance Point of Dong Hu

Boat can bring you around Dong Hu!
Nice Walkway!
It is 5 minutes bus trip from the Museum to the Dong Hu. I was really looking forward to take a look at the beautiful lake ant the surrounding of the place. It’s also our first time having picnic in China. J The Tour guide saw all of us have brought so much food with us that she will let us settle down first to have our picnic. She brought us to lakeside area to settle down to have picnic. The scenery was so beautiful and I was told that the lake was as big as Singapore!! WOW!

Picnic Time!

We settle down to have our picnic. Finally I can eat and have my lunch. My stomach was empty as i never eat my dinner since yesterday dinner. We open up our mat and put all our things down and have our picnic. The food that all of us cook taste so delicious and all of us dig in after the cover of the food is open.

Archery Boy!

The Best Ride Ever in Wuhan!
After we finish eating we can have our own free time exploring around Dong Hu. In Dong Hu there are so many activities that can be done. There are historic side of Dong Hu and there is also a theme park for all of us to try. I tried almost all the rides there and I feel so fortunate to try it all because in Singapore, some of the rides here are not built in Singapore. Everyone needs to be back at the entrance point at 1.30pm. As per normal, we are the last one to reach there again.

We reach the dormitory at 2.30pm and we have make plans to go to a Salon at Kuang Ku. All of my classmates want their hairstyle change. I look at myself and told to my friends that I don’t have any hair to cut. HAHA!

The Salon I Went!

We reached 光谷 to around 4.30pm. We went to one of the famous salons in Wuhan which is call YES I DO!. The Salon looks very high class and there are people that will welcome you to enter to the salon. All the hairdresser in the place are Guys and all are good-looking. All my girl friends are drooling after looking at all the guys. Girls please control yourself. Everyone of us have a hairstyle in mind and they must tell their own hairdresser the type of hairstyle they want. Everyone will watch their hair first before anything is done to our hair. I am the first person to cut my hair and it took only 20 minutes to finish cutting my hair. When I finish cutting, None of my friends have started with anything. I like WTH.
Everyone have a Cool Hairstyle!

I waited for them for 4 freaking hours before all of them is done. I hope there are happy with their looks and all of us can go back to Singapore with a new look. HAHA!

There so much things that I did for today. We went exploring to different places that have significant value in it. The trip to the museum was very interesting as I learnt the difference between the people in the past and the present. People in the past, all the things are made by their own bare hands and nowadays most of the things that are made by machines. I can feel that that, in the past, the people live at a much difficult life than ours. We must appreciate all the things that is given to us and must feel fortunate that we are not born in the ancient times. It have open my heart and see how difficult my great grand parents have live during the ancient times.

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