Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 1- Departing Singapore and Arrival in Wuhan

WOW! That's the word to describe for today. This is my first experiece studying on a another country and also my first experience travelling on a plane. Both MDE and ECE group is combine together to go for the OIP trip. I can feel that the whole group is really looking forward for the trip and fully prepare for the trip to Wuhan. The BEST Group

When we are on board the plane. My body is filled with excitement and cant't wait to experience the journey on board the plane. My heart was pounding so fast when the plane start to take off. Our first destination witll be Guangzhou, China.

I really need help eating on the plane

MacDonald's is Everywhere

When we finally reach Guangzhou, we have to wait for 3 hours, before we can board the plane that is going to our final destination which is Wuhan. The temperature at Guangzhou is almost the same as Singaopore and the locals there is very differents there is much different than in Singapore. The locals here is always speaking very loudly and love to express their feeling with their faces and their hands.

Finally we reach WUHAN!!

My New Friends

We finally reach Wuhan. This is my first time going to country that have the temperature below 10˚c. I was really enjoying the clodness around the airport eventhough i need a few layer of clothing. There is a couple of the China students that welcome us. The China students really excited to see us and they welcome with a wide smile along their faces. They offer help to push the luggage for some my class member. All the China students are studying english language and i can see that they are really trying their best to speak proper english to us. I really love their eagerness to learn to learn when they keep on asking me what the phrase means is. I have make friends with a few of the China student and they really make us feel like we at home.

Mixing around with the local students

i am so glad to reach our hostel. Quite a number of China stuents have offer help to push the luggage to our hostel. I can feel that the China students is welcoming us with an open heart. The hostel is quite ok to fit 3 people in a room.

The local students help us to order the food

After we settle down for awhile, a few of the China students bring is along for dinner. The meal is very delicious and it taste like my mom cooking. I was so grateful to experienc my first dinner
with the local students. They share with us their stories when they are on the university and told us a few places that need to go when in Wuhan. We ended the day by cleaning our whole room and make our room sparkling clean.

I hope tomorrow will be a much more better experience. (:

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