Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 14-Trying new Sports and Getting Some Unique Symbols!

Today woke up early to go for a jog today. It’s a bit different for today as I going to go alone for jogging. All my friends are unable to wake up early because they sleep very late. I fell that I blend very well with the China people and I doesn’t feel uncomfortable around them. When the first time i step at Wuhan, I feel very insecure when I’m around the China people as they don’t speak the same language as me. As the time goes by, I understand what they are speaking but I can’t translate it in Chinese so I will ask one of friends to translate it for me. I really love the morning weather in Wuhan. It is the BEST!!

Our class start as per normal at 9am BUT we end early today as we need time to prepare our presentation for tomorrow. There is lot of work that need to be done to complete my project. I really hate last minute work as we need to rush everything and compile everything in ONE DAY! I am lucky that my group is very efficient and is able to complete the project in a short time frame. We are to complete everything in 3 hours. POWER RITE!!

After have done with the project, we went out of the campus to have lunch. On the way out of the campus, I saw a truck with a dangerous logo at the back of the truck. The dangerous symbols are flammable liquid. It contains a liquid which can get burn when it is near to any fire. I think it is important to have a dangerous symbol at the back of the truck because it can warn all the vehicles around it that the chemical that is carrying is dangerous and can cause massive damage if there is accidents happen.\
Where can you get this in Singapore?!

We have lunch at a nearby fast food restaurant. The fast food outlet is called. There is no such fast food restaurant in Singapore and the meal there is much more CHEAPER! There is alot of choice to choose from. I tried a new burger which is SHRIMP BURGER. It taste so delicious and only cause me 5¥ which is around S$1.20. I think that, this is my only time in my life that I can try a fast food meal at a so low price.
CHEI! Badminton Hunks!

I was so full after eating a great meal. The girls want to try other sport other than jogging and you know what they bought? They have bought 4 badminton racket and a shuttlecock which cost them less than 100¥ which is around S$22. It is quite cheap as we only play for leisure. The guys just need to get the net which cost us around 22¥. We start playing badminton during the evening which is around 4.30pm. This is first time playing badminton with my polytechnic friends. All my class girls can play badminton except for one. Is the perfect weather to play badminton because it is very cooling and not much wind to disrupt our game. We keep on switching partners and we keep on having a new opponent to challenge against. We really enjoy ourselves. We have planned to play badminton after a long day of school, as doing some sport can help us distress. We played badminton for a couple of hour before we call it a day. I have a team meeting at night to finalise our project before tomorrow presentation.
Enjoying every moment of It!!!

Trying out a new activity in a brand new environment is very interesting as we don’t know what we going to expect after that. I have tried a lot of things in Wuhan such as trying out the food here, trying out the sports and a change if studying environment. This is some of the list of new activities that I have experience. Living with my friends is different than living with your family. When living with my friends, we can help each other when we need help, entertain each other when we are bored, split different type of activities to keep our room very clean. This is my first time staying in the same room with my close buddies for two months. We really enjoy each other accompany and we become much closer as the days goes on. Being able to have shared your experience with someone is much more rewarding than experiencing it alone. I hope that I would enjoy the day I am together with my friends.

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