Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 15- AHHHH! Presentation!!

When I woke up, got many things run through my mind as today is an important day. Today is going to be my first presentation in China for my Project Management Module. I woke up early to be prepared for my presentation and wrote a script for myself to be ready for presentation. I know that I am not that good at presenting and to add to this pressure, I have a new bunch of classmates. My class is going to start at 9am.

I reach the class on time and almost all of my classmates are already in the class preparing their slides. Today lesson is going to end early because Mrs Neo wants us to be ready for tomorrow trip to the three gorges. The class is going to end after every group have present. I think that my group is going to be the first group to present as my group is the first group in the list. But some group protest due to the group haven fully prepares and wanted to be the last. In order to ensure fairness, we draw lots. After drawing the lots, my group jump from starting first to the forth one present.

Come On people! Set Up the Laptop!
Eline explain the first part of the Presentation. Finally is my Turn to Impress!
After the third group present their project, than it will be out turn. Our group is fully prepared for the presentation and once the teacher call us out; we straight away set up laptop. I become the first presenter as i am the leader for Group A. I need to present all my group members and tell the whole the class the type of project we are doing. My group is doing a project about Establishing a new drink that is called Aloha in the China market. All my group have present their own slides and fully explain each point to the whole class in order for them to understand what we are doing. Mrs Neo and some of my classmates have spotted several mistakes on my project. All my group members have take note of the mistake and we going to do some amendment after we have finish presenting. I feel so relief after finishing my presentation and can finally relax for the day.

WOW! So Huge!


Salmon Pizza!

Wah!!!!!!!! Cooling!

Clearing every bit of IT!

All the O3s have plan to go to Wall-Mart to get the all the essential for the trip to the three gorges. We took the “bread” car to go the mall and this is the first time we when somewhere far without our China buddies. After reaching the mall, we have our lunch first at Pizza Hut. The Pizza Hut here is much Bigger and Cheaper than Singapore. When we step inside the Pizza Hut, I can see that there is a lot of rich people eating at this restaurant. One of China buddies have told me that, eating at Pizza Hut here is very expensive to them as the meal can cost them one whole week of their own allowance. That’s why not many students is eating at this restaurant. It’s the same for me in Singapore, only in rare cases than I eat at Pizza Hut. We order 3 pizza large size pizza which all of us can eat together and one medium size pizza for my Chinese friends as it contain pork. It was one of the best meal I have in Wuhan. The pizza is superb that we finish everything single piece of pizza we have on the table. POWER!!

Spelling Check: Todsy’s(WRONG) Today(CORRECT)

So much Variety!

Grocery Shopping! Like my MOM :D

After a great meal, we went to WALL-Mart to get our items for tomorrow. The WALL-Mart is so freaking big and we take our time to check every section of the place. It took us 1 ½ hour to just get the essential for the whole trip. We brought bottle drinks and different flavour bread as the Mrs Neo have told us to just prepare some food in case the food there is not very appetizing. The variety of food in WALL-Mart is endless as there is so much to choose from. We only get what we want, don’t want to get the things that not so important for trip. On the other hand, the girls shop all the unhealthy snacks such as marshmallow, potato chips and many more which is like going to have party on a cruise.

After the trip to WALL-Mart, we went back to our dormitory to pack our stuff for the trip to three gorges. We have our dinner in our room as we too busy packing and our last minute homework assignment. We call it a day after a good day of shopping and packing.

I have learnt that being confident when presenting is very important. People will judge you on how you present yourself infront a lot of people whether you are confident in presenting or just timid/scared in your presentation. I always loss confidence and feel uncomfortable when presenting in a large crowd as i always think that people is going to judge me before I going to present. On the first part of my presentation I was a bit scared as I continue to present, slowly my confidence start to build up.

Being independent is very important factor when you are alone without any of your family members with you. I become more independent when I staying alone in Wuhan with some help of my friends. I did all the chores that are required to keep the place clean and washing of my dirty clothing. I must make the right decision for everything I do, in order for me not to get in into bad situation. With the help of my roommates, the life in Wuhan is running smoothly.

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